Massage Styles & Technique
classic massage
Every profession that involves a skill set will have its fundamentals. It may be a task that seems simple enough, but by nature it involves the core building blocks of practice that one cannot proceed without.
This course on Classic Massage presents the fundamentals of massage. It teaches basic hand techniques in detail, including the purpose of each one, helping the student to fully grasp the why and how of various forms of pressure and manipulation.
Even more critically, it teaches the fundamentals of what massage actually is on muscular, cellular, and body-system levels.
Classic Massage is presented here in two courses; basic and advanced. Videos and text walk the student through the fundamentals of massage, guiding them to a better understanding of the skin, muscular system, circulation, and the exchange of waste for fresh nutrients at the cellular level that is at the foundation of all massage.
thai/yoga massage
Many people have some familiarity with this Southeast Asian technique. Thai massage is very fluid, but involves a very physical technique, and focuses on mobility, deep articulation of the skeletal joints and muscles.
This course presents an in-depth and thorough introduction to this deeply relaxing practice.
lomi lomi
Massage techniques can be found across the world, and they vary greatly. With that said, however, Lomi Lomi holds a unique place in the library of massage techniques.
Lomi Lomi is certainly a holistic technique, in that it aims to treat the whole body and the whole person at once. This practice involves entire regions of the body, an abundance of sliding techniques, and, perhaps more than any other type of massage, is focused on flow, and the experience of near-constant contact.
This course covers the comprehensive basics of this practice. It is excellent for those looking to expand their repertoire, or to offer something distinct from other forms.
barefoot massage
Barefoot technique may seem odd at first approach. However, with some familiarity, the strength of the practice becomes clear.
Barefoot massage technique requires great practice, however, it is unique in its ability to treat the fascia; the connective tissue that holds muscle, skin, and everything else together throughout the body. It is also noted for its ability to gently encourage greater body alignment.
As a practice, this style is actually a fusion of different barefoot styles, from India, Thailand, Hawaii, and Japan. This course is an excellent introduction to the fundamentals of this technique.